Briefwisseling houdende een verdrag tussen het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden en de Noord [...] (NAPMA) om in Nederland betaald werk te verrichten, Brussel, 30-05-2007

[Regeling treedt (deels) in werking per 05-06-2007.]
Geraadpleegd op 27-09-2024. Gebruikte datum 'geldig op' 30-05-2007.
Geldend van 30-05-2007 t/m 04-06-2007

Briefwisseling houdende een verdrag tussen het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden en de Noord Atlantische Verdragsorganisatie inzake de mogelijkheid voor gezinsleden van functionarissen van het NATO Airborne Early Warning and Control Programme Management Agency (NAPMA) om in Nederland betaald werk te verrichten

Authentiek : EN

Nr. I

[Treedt in werking per 05-06-2007]

Minister van Buitenlandse Zaken

The Hague, 13 February 2007

Dear Mr Secretary-General,

I have the honour to refer to the discussions between the Ministry and NATO Airborne Early Warning and Control Programme Management Agency (NAPMA) regarding employment opportunities of members of the families forming part of the household of the officials of NAPMA.

In view of these discussions I have the honour to propose the following provisions:

Article 1

[Treedt in werking per 05-06-2007]

Members of the family forming part of the household of all categories of officials in the service of NAPMA shall be authorised to engage in gainful employment in the Netherlands for the duration of the term of office of the officials concerned.

Article 2

[Treedt in werking per 05-06-2007]

The following persons are members of the family forming part of the household in the sense of Article 1:

  • a) the spouses or registered partners of officials in the service of NAPMA;

  • b) children of officials in the service of NAPMA who are under the age of 18;

  • c) children of officials in the service of NAPMA who are aged 18 or over, but not older than 27, provided that they formed part of the official’s household prior to their first entry into the Netherlands and still form part of this household, and that they are unmarried, financially dependent on the official concerned and are attending fulltime education in the Netherlands;

  • d) children of officials in the service of NAPMA who are aged 18 or over, but not older than 23; they shall also be recognized as members of the family forming part of the household if they are not studying as long as they are unmarried and financially dependent on the official concerned.

Article 3

[Treedt in werking per 05-06-2007]

Persons mentioned in Article 2 who obtain gainful employment shall enjoy no immunity from criminal, civil or administrative jurisdiction with respect to matters arising in the course of or in connection with such employment. However, any measures of execution shall be taken without infringing the inviolability of their person or of their residence, if they are entitled to such inviolability.

Article 4

[Treedt in werking per 05-06-2007]

In case of the insolvency of a person aged under 18 with respect to a claim arising out of a gainful employment of that person, the immunity of the official in the service of NAPMA of whose family the person concerned is a member shall be waived for the purpose of settlement of the claim, in accordance with the provisions of the applicable NAPMA agreements.

Article 5

[Treedt in werking per 05-06-2007]

The employment referred to in Article 1 shall be in accordance with Netherlands legislation, including fiscal and social security legislation, unless any other applicable international legal instrument provides otherwise.

I have the honour to propose that if the provisions set forth above are acceptable to you the present letter and your affirmative reply constitute an Agreement between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation with regard to the privileges and immuni-ties of NAPMA in the Netherlands, which shall enter into force on the date of receipt of your reply.

Please accept, Sir, the assurances of my highest consideration.


Minister of Foreign Affairs

of the Kingdom of the Netherlands

North Atlantic Treaty Organisation

Att: the Secretary General, Mr De Hoop Scheffer

Blvd. Leopold III

1110 Brussels


Nr. II

[Treedt in werking per 05-06-2007]

NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer

Brussels, 30 May 2007


Dear Minister

I have the honour to acknowledge receipt of Your letter of 13 February 2007 which reads as follows:

[Red: (Zoals in Nr. I)]

I have the honour to confirm, Your Excellency, that the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation with regard to employment opportunities of members of the families forming part of the household of the officials of NAPMA, accepts the above proposal of the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and to confirm that Your letter and this reply shall constitute an Agreement between the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation and the Kingdom of the Netherlands, which shall enter into force on the date of receipt by Your Excellency of this letter of reply.

Please accept, Your Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.

Yours sincerely,


His Excellency

Mr Maxime Verhagen

Minister of Foreign Affairs of

the Kingdom of the Netherlands