Verdrag tot samenwerking inzake octrooien, Washington, 19-06-1970

Geraadpleegd op 09-05-2024. Gebruikte datum 'geldig op' 01-07-2019.
Geldend van 01-07-2019 t/m 30-06-2020

Wetstechnische informatie voor Rule 29

Informatie geldend op 01-07-2019

Overzicht van wijzigingen voor dit artikel

(geldig op 01-07-2019)


- Geen opmerking -

Ontstaansbron Inwerkingtreding / Voorlopige toepassing
Datum Terugwerkende kracht Betreft Bekendmaking Bekendmaking Opmerking
01-07-2024 Wijziging, inwerkingtreding Trb. 2024, 21 Trb. 2024, 21
01-07-2009 Wijziging, inwerkingtreding Trb. 2009, 13 Trb. 2009, 13 Inwtr. 1
01-07-2008 Wijziging, inwerkingtreding Trb. 2008, 175 Trb. 2008, 175 Inwtr. 2
01-01-2004 Wijziging, inwerkingtreding Trb. 2004, 242 Trb. 2004, 242 Inwtr. 3
01-01-2003 Wijziging, inwerkingtreding Trb. 2004, 242 Trb. 2004, 242 Alg. 4, Inwtr. 5
01-07-1998 Wijziging, inwerkingtreding Trb. 1998, 154 Trb. 1998, 154
01-07-1992 Wijziging, inwerkingtreding Trb. 1992, 102 Trb. 1992, 102
01-01-1985 Wijziging, inwerkingtreding Trb. 1984, 90 Trb. 1984, 90
10-07-1979 Nieuwe-regeling, inwerkingtreding Trb. 1973, 20 Trb. 1979, 104
19-06-1970 Totstandkoming Trb. 1973, 20


  1. This Rule shall apply to any international application whose international filing date is on or after July 1, 2009 (Trb. 2009/13).1)
  2. The Rules as amdended shall apply to international applications whose international filing date is on or after July 1, 2008 (Trb. 2008/175).2)
  3. This rule as amended:
    a) shall apply to any international application whose international filing date is on or after January 1, 2004, provided that: (i) Rule 15.4 and the Schedule of Fees as worded before their amendment shall continue to apply to any international application which is received by the receiving Office before January 1, 2004, and is accorded an international filing date that is on or after January 1, 2004; (ii) Rule 47.1c) and e) as amended shall apply to any international application whose international filing date is on or after January 1, 2004, in respect of a designated Office which has made a notification under paragraph (2) of the decisions of the Assembly set out in Annex IV of document PCT/A/30/7, and which has not withdrawn that notification under paragraph (3) of those decisions, as though the reference in each of Rule 47.1c) and e) to ‘‘28 months’’ was a reference to ‘‘19 months,’’ with the consequence that two notifications under Rule 47.1c) shall, if applicable, be sent in respect of such an application; b) shall not apply to any international application whose international filing date is before January 1, 2004, provided that: (i) Rules 53.4, 53.7, 60.1, 61.2 and 90bis.5(b) as amended, the Rules as amended that are referred to in those Rules and the deletion of Rules 56, 60.2 and 61.1c) shall apply to any international application in respect of which a demand for international preliminary examination is filed on or after January 1, 2004, whether the international filing date of the international application is before, on or after January 1, 2004; (ii) new Rule 94.1c) shall apply to the furnishing on or after January 1, 2004, of copies of the international preliminary examination report in respect of any international application, whether the international filing date of the application is before, on or after January 1, 2004 (Trb. 2004/242).3)
  4. 4)
  5. The Rules as amended will not apply to any international application whose international filing date is before January 1, 2003, provided that:(iii), apply to any international application whose international filing date is before January 1, 2003, and in respect of which the applicable time limit under Article 39(1) expires on or after January 1, 2003;
    (i) new Rule 49.6a) to (e) shall, subject to item (iii), apply to any international application whose international filing date is before January 1, 2003, and in respect of which the applicable time limit under Article 22 expires on or after January 1, 2003;(ii) to the extent that new Rule 49.6a) to (e) is applicable by virtue of Rule 76.5, the latter Rule shall, subject to item (iii) where a designated Office informs the International Bureau under paragraph (f) of Rule 49.6 that paragraphs a) to (e) of that Rule are not compatible with the national law applied by that Office, items (i) and (ii) of this paragraph shall apply in respect of that Office except that each reference in those items to the date January 1, 2003, shall be read as a reference to the date of entry into force of Rule 49.6a) to (e) in respect of that Office (Trb. 2004/42).5)
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