Document van de Staten die Partij zijn bij het Verdrag inzake conventionele strijdkrachten in Europa, Wenen, 05-02-1993

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Document van de Staten die Partij zijn bij het Verdrag inzake conventionele strijdkrachten in Europa

Authentiek : EN

Document of the States Parties to the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe

The Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Republic of Belarus, the Kingdom of Belgium, the Republic of Bulgaria, Canada, the Czech Republic, the Kingdom of Denmark, the French Republic, the Republic of Georgia, the Federal Republic of Germany, the Hellenic Republic, the Republic of Hungary, the Republic of Iceland, the Italian Republic, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Republic of Moldova, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the Kingdom of Norway, the Republic of Poland, the Portuguese Republic, Romania, the Russian Federation, the Slovak Republic, the Kingdom of Spain, the Republic of Turkey, Ukraine, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America, which are the States Parties to the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe of November 19, 1990, hereinafter referred to as the States Parties,

Committed to meeting the objectives and requirements of the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe of November 19, 1990, hereinafter referred to as the Treaty, while responding to the historic changes which have occurred in Europe since the Treaty was signed,

Recalling in this context the undertaking in paragraph 4 of the Joint Declaration of Twenty-Two States signed in Paris on November 19, 1990, to maintain only such military capabilities as are necessary to prevent war and provide for effective defence and to bear in mind the relationship between military capabilities and doctrines, and confirming their commitment to that undertaking,

Having met together at a joint Extraordinary Conference chaired by the Hellenic Republic in Vienna on February 5, 1993, pursuant to Article XXI, paragraph 2, of the Treaty and Section VII, paragraph 4 of the Concluding Act,

Have agreed as follows:


The understandings, notifications, confirmations and commitments contained or referred to in this Document and its Annexes shall be deemed as fulfilling the requirements necessary in order for the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic fully to exercise the rights and fulfill the obligations as set forth in the Treaty and its associated documents.


In this context, the States Parties note the Agreement Between the Government of the Czech Republic and the Government of the Slovak Republic, of January 12, 1993, on the Principles and Procedures for Implementing the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe and the Concluding Act of the Negotiation on Personnel Strength of Conventional Armed Forces in Europe and the Protocols to that Agreement, as transmitted on January 20, 1993 by the Czech Republic to all States Parties to the Treaty. In this regard, Articles I, II (paragraph 2), III (paragraphs 1–3), and Articles IV–VII of that Agreement, the Protocol on Maximum Levels for Holdings of Conventional Armaments and Equipment Limited by the Treaty of the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic, the Protocol concerning Armoured Vehicle Launched Bridges in Active Units, the Protocol on Conventional Armament and Equipment Limited by the Treaty Designated for Conversion for Non-Military Purposes, and the Protocol on Active and Passive Declared Site Inspection Quotas for the First Phase of the Reduction Period to that Agreement, and paragraphs 2 and 3 of the Protocol on the Reduction Liability to that Agreement contain necessary confirmations, information, and commitments.


The States Parties note the notifications by the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic listed in the Annex to this Document on Notifications Related to the Treaty.


The States Parties confirm the understandings specified in the Annex to this Document on Understandings Related to the Treaty.


The States Parties confirm all decisions and recommendations adopted by the Joint Consultative Group related to the Treaty.


This Document in no way alters the rights and obligations of the States Parties as set forth in the Treaty and its associated documents.


This Document, together with its Annexes, which are integral to it, in all the official languages of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, shall be deposited with the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, as the designated Depositary for the Treaty, which shall circulate true copies of this Document to all the States Parties.

Annex on notifications related to the Treaty

A. The States Parties note the following notifications from the Czech Republic as transmitted on January 29, 1993:

  • 1. Maximum level for holdings of conventional armament and equipment limited by the Treaty;

  • 2. Reduction liability in the categories of conventional armament and equipment limited by the Treaty;

  • 3. Number of battle tanks and armoured combat vehicles designated for conversion for non-military purposes;

  • 4. List of the points of entry/exit;

  • 5. Lists of inspectors and transport crew members;

  • 6. Diplomatic clearance number;

  • 7. Official languages;

  • 8. Passive inspection quota for the first year of reduction period;

  • 9. Active inspection quota for the first year of reduction period (revised February 1, 1993);

  • 10. Counting of the aircraft destructed by accident;

  • 11. Armaments and equipment limited by the Treaty and retained outside the territory of the Czech Republic (revised February 1, 1993);

  • 12. List of reduction sites of the Czech Republic;

  • 13. Aggregate number of armament and equipment limited by the Treaty used exclusively for purpose of research and development;

  • 14. Number of armament and equipment limited by the Treaty awaiting export/re-export; and

  • 15. Number and types of conventional armament and equipment removed from service and reduced during previous 12 months.

The States Parties also note that, by its Note Verbale of January 29, 1993, the Czech Republic informed “all Delegations to the Joint Consultative Group that the data of Ministry of Defence, General Staff, Military Command West, Military Command Middle and of all the formations and units subordinated to them contained in the Exchange of Information submitted by the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic on December 15, 1922 are valid for Armed Forces of the Czech Republic until superseded by a subsequent exchange of information of the Czech Republic.

B. The States Parties note the following notifications from the Slovak Republic as transmitted on January 29, 1993 (1–11) and February 4, 1993 (12 and 13):

  • 1. Maximum levels for holdings of conventional armaments and equipment and numbers of national personnel limits limited by the Treaty (revised February 2, 1993);

  • 2. Reduction liability in the categories of conventional armaments and equipment limited by the Treaty (revised February 2, 1993);

  • 3. Number of battle tanks and armoured combat vehicles designated for conversion for non-military purposes;

  • 4. List of the points of entry/exit into and out of the territory of the Slovak Republic (revised February 2, 1993);

  • 5. List of inspectors;

  • 6. Standing diplomatic clearance number;

  • 7. Official languages;

  • 8. Passive inspection quota for the first year of reduction period;

  • 9. Active inspection quota for the first year of reduction period (revised February 2, 1993);

  • 10. Numbers of conventional armaments and equipment limited by the Treaty awaiting export/re-export and retained outside the territory of the Slovak Republic (revised February 2, 1993);

  • 11. Numbers and types of conventional armaments and equipment removed from service and reduced during previous 12 months;

  • 12. Aggregate number of conventional armaments and equipment limited by the Treaty used exclusively for the purpose of research and development; and

  • 13. Numbers of conventional armaments and equipment limited by the Treaty and retained outside the territory of the Slovak Republic.

The States Parties also note that, by its Note Verbale of January 29, 1993, the Slovak Republic informed “all Delegations to the Joint Consultative Group that the data of Military Command East and of all formations and units subordinated to it contained in the Exchange of Information submitted by the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic on December 15, 1992 are valid for Armed Forces of the Slovak Republic until next exchange of information of the Slovak Republic in March 1993."

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