Slotdocument van de Buitengewone Conferentie van Staten Partij bij het Verdrag inzake conventionele strijdkrachten in Europa, Oslo, 05-06-1992

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Slotdocument van de Buitengewone Conferentie van Staten Partij bij het Verdrag inzake conventionele strijdkrachten in Europa

Authentiek : EN

Final Document of the Extraordinary Conference of the States Parties to the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe

The Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Republic of Belarus, the Kingdom of Belgium, the Republic of Bulgaria, Canada, the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic, the Kingdom of Denmark, the French Republic, the Republic of Georgia, the Federal Republic of Germany, the Hellenic Republic, the Republic of Hungary, the Republic of Iceland, the Italian Republic, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Republic of Moldova, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the Kingdom of Norway, the Republic of Poland, the Portuguese Republic, Romania, the Russian Federation, the Kingdom of Spain, the Republic of Turkey, Ukraine, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America, which are the States Parties to the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe of November 19, 1990, hereinafter referred to as the States Parties,

Reaffirming their determination to bring into force the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe of November 19, 1990, hereinafter referred to as the Treaty, by the time of the Helsinki Summit Meeting of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe on July 9-10, 1992,

Desiring to meet the objectives and requirements of the Treaty while responding to the historic changes which have occurred in Europe since the Treaty was signed,

Recalling in this context the undertaking in paragraph 4 of the Joint Declaration of Twenty-Two States signed in Paris on November 19, 1990, to maintain only such military capabilities as are necessary to prevent war and provide for effective defence and to bear in mind the relationship between military capabilities and doctrines, and confirming their commitment to that undertaking,

Having met together at an Extraordinary Conference chaired by the Kingdom of Spain in Oslo on June 5, 1992, pursuant to Article XXI, paragraph 2, of the Treaty, as provisionally applied,

Have agreed as follows:


The understandings, notifications, confirmations and commitments contained or referred to in this Final Document and its Annexes A en B, together with the deposit of instruments of ratification by all the States Parties, shall be deemed as fulfilling the requirements for the entry into force of the Treaty in accordance with its provisions. Accordingly, the Treaty shall enter into force 10 days after the last such instrument has been deposited.


In this context, the States Parties note the Agreement of May 15, 1992, on the Principles and Procedures of Implementation of the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe, the four Protocols to that Agreement and the Joint Declaration of May 15, 1992, in relation to the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe, as transmitted on June 1, 1992, by that Agreement's Depositary to all States Parties to the Treaty. In this regard, Articles 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11 and 12 of that Agreement, the four Protocols to that Agreement, and the Joint Declaration of May 15, 1992, in relation to the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe contain necessary confirmations and information.


The States Parties confirm the understandings as elaborated in the Joint Consultative Group, and specified in Annex A of this Final Document.


This Final Document in no way alters the rights and obligations of the States Parties as set forth in the Treaty and its associated documents.


This Final Document, together with its Annexes A en B, which are integral to it, in all the official languages of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, shall be deposited with the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, as the designated Depositary for the Treaty, which shall circulate copies of this Final Document to all the States Parties.

Annex B:. Notifications, confirmations and commitments

  • I: Notifications

  • II: Confirmations

    • 1. With regard to Article VIII, paragraph 7, of the Treaty, the States Parties confirm that, except as otherwise provided for in the Treaty, their respective reduction liabilities in each category shall be no less than the difference between their respective holdings notified, in accordance with the Protocol on Information Exchange, as of the signature of the Treaty, and their respective maximum levels for holdings notified pursuant to Article VII. In this regard, for those States Parties that have jointly confirmed the validity for them of holdings as of the signature of the Treaty, the sum of their reduction liabilities in each category shall, except as otherwise provided for in the Treaty, be no less than the difference between the jointly confirmed holdings and the sum of their maximum levels for holdings notified pursuant to Article VII.

    • 2. The States Parties confirm their commitment, in the Declaration of the States Parties to the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe with Respect to Personnel Strength of November 19,1990, not to increase during the period of the negotiations referred to in Article XVIII of the Treaty the total peacetime authorised personnel strength of their conventional armed forces pursuant to the Mandate in the area of application.

    • 3. The States Parties confirm their commitment to the Declaration of the States Parties to the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe with Respect to Land-based Naval Aircraft of November 19, 1990.

    • 4. The States Parties confirm their adherence to the agreement set out in the Statement by the Chairman of the Joint Consultative Group on October 18, 1991.

  • III: Commitments

    • A: Costs

    • B: Article XII

      • 1. In order to meet the security interests of all States Parties in light of new circumstances in Europe, the States Parties shall as a first priority seek to reach agreement, immediately after entry into force of the Treaty, on Article XII, paragraph 1, of the Treaty.

      • 2. In this context, the States Parties will cooperate to respect the security objectives of Article XII within the area of application of the Treaty. In particular, no State Party will increase, within the area of application, its holdings of armoured infantry fighting vehicles held by organisations designed and structured to perform in peacetime internal security functions above that aggregate number held by such organisations at the time of signature of the Treaty, as notified pursuant to the information exchange effective as of November 19, 1990.

      • 3. Notwithstanding the political commitment set forth in paragraph 2 above, any State Party that had an aggregate number of armoured infantry fighting vehicles held by organisations designed and structured to perform in peacetime internal security functions on its territory, as notified effective as of November 19,1990, that was less than five percent of its maximum levels for holdings for armoured combat vehicles, as notified pursuant to Article VII, paragraph 2, of the Treaty, or less than 100 such armoured infantry fighting vehicles, whichever is greater, will have the right to increase its holdings of such armoured infantry fighting vehicles to an aggregate number not to exceed five percent of its maximum levels for holdings for armoured combat vehicles, as notified pursuant to Article VII, paragraph 2, of the Treaty, or to an aggregate number not to exceed 100, whichever is greater.

DONE at Oslo, this fifth day of June, one thousand nine hundred and ninety-two.

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