12.2 De functies van de stemmachine blijven voorts gehandhaafd na blootstelling aan de
volgende condities tijdens opslag in verpakking:
Omgevingstemperatuur: [IEC-68-2]
– 25°C – +70°C
Relatieve vochtigheid: [IEC-68-2]
95 % bij 40°C (bovengrens) ‘non condensing’
Temperatuurwisseling: [IEC-68-2]
– 25°C tot 30°C
Mechanische trillingen: [IEC-68-2]
random: versnellings-spectrale dichtheid 1 m/s3(100-200 Hz), 0,3 m/s3(200-2000 Hz) gedurende 1 uur per richting
sinusvorming: 10 m/s (10-200 Hx) 15 m/s (200-500 Hz)
Vrije val: [IEC-68-2]
plat, 2x per zijde vanaf 0,25 m hoogte
Kantelen: [IEC-68-2]
langs elke verpakkingsrand
[EN 50081-1]
Elektromagnetische compatibiliteit, algemene emissienorm, deel 1
[prEN 50082-1]
Electromagnetic compatibility, generic immunity standard, part 1
Single input energizing quantity measuring relays with dependent specified time.
Appendix E: Impulse voltage withstand tests and high frequency disturbance tests.
IEC Publication 255-4
Classification of environment conditions
Part 3 Classification of groups of environmental parameters and their severities –
IEC Publication 721-3-2
Electromagnetic compatibility for industrial process measurement and control equipment.
Part 1 General introduction;
Part 2 Electrostatic discharges;
Part 3 Radiated electromagnetic field requirements;
Part 4 Electrical fast transients requirements.
IEC Publication 801
Alarm systems Part 1 General requirements.
Section 3 Environmental testing.
IEC Publication 839-1-3
General requirements for electronic measuring instruments.
OIML document no.11 (2nd predraft) January 1989