Overeenkomst tussen het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden en het Koninkrijk Zweden inzake [...] bescherming van geclassificeerde militaire gegevens, 's-Gravenhage, 29-10-1984

Geraadpleegd op 06-05-2024.
Geldend van 01-12-1985 t/m heden

Overeenkomst tussen het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden en het Koninkrijk Zweden inzake de wederzijdse bescherming van geclassificeerde militaire gegevens

Authentiek : EN

Agreement between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Kingdom of Sweden on the Reciprocal Protection of Classified Military Information

The Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and theGovernment of the Kingdom of Sweden,

desirous of ensuring the protection of classified information which, in the interest of national defence, is exchanged between the competent authorities of the two countries or which, within the frame-work of governmental contracts or orders, is supplied to industrial firms and Government defence research organizations in the respective countries,

have agreed as follows:

Article 1

For the purposes of this Agreement, the term "classified information" means information, documents or any other matter in the defence sector to which a security classification has been applied by the originating country. This definition is independent of the means of transmission of the information, i.e. whether transmitted in writing, orally, by technical means or through the handing over of material.

Article 2

The two Governments undertake to apply the following general principles for the protection of classified information:

  • a. the information received shall be given at least the same degree of security protection in the receiving country as in the originating country;

  • b. the information supplied may not be used for purposes other than those agreed upon;

  • c. the information supplied may not be disclosed to the Government, authorities, firms or nationals of a third State without the previous written consent of the originating country.

Article 3

Access to classified information shall be limited to those whose duties require such access and who have been security cleared at the appropriate level and have the requisite knowledge of security procedures. No person is entitled solely by virtue of rank or appointment to be given access to classified information.

Article 4

Each Government will permit security experts of the other Government to make periodic visits to its territory when it is mutually convenient, to discuss with its security authorities its procedures and facilities for the protection of classified information furnished to it by the other Government. Each Government will assist such experts in determining whether such information provided to it by the other Government is being adequately protected.

Article 5

Proprietary rights, patents, trade secrets, copyright and similar rights relating to classified information transmitted between the two countries shall be respected and protected in accordance with the legislation applicable in the receiving country.

Article 6

No compensation will be paid between the two Governments for costs arising in connection with the carrying out of security measures.

Article 7

Details of the implementation and application of the provisions of this Agreement will be the subject of separate arrangements to be concluded between the competent authorities of the two countries.

Article 8

This Agreement is subject to review at any time at the request of either Government.

Article 9

This Agreement shall enter into force on the first day of the second month after the date on which the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands informs the Government of the Kingdom of Sweden that the procedures constitutionally required in the Kingdom of the Netherlands have been complied with.

Article 10

As concerns the Kingdom of the Netherlands, this Agreement will apply to its territory in Europe only.

Article 11

This Agreement shall terminate six months after the receipt by either Government of a written notice of termination from the other Government.

Such termination shall not affect any obligation or liability which may have been assumed under the terms of this Agreement.

DONE in duplicate at The Hague on 29 October 1984.

For the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands


For the Government of the Kingdom of Sweden


Memorandum of Understanding between the Minister of Defence of the Netherlands and the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of Sweden on the Security Safeguards necessary to protect Classified Military Information

In an Agreement, signed on 29-X-1984, between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Kingdom of Sweden on the reciprocal protection of classified military information, it was agreed that the details of the implementation and application of the Agreement should be the subject of separate arrangements to be concluded between the competent authorities of the two countries.

The Minister of Defence of the Netherlands and the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of Sweden, being the competent authorities of their respective Governments for this purpose, have accordingly made the following arrangements:

Section 1. National regulations

Classified information received will be dealt with according to the relevant national regulations of the receiving country. If classified information is exchanged between the countries such classified information will be granted a security protection of at least the same level as required by the national regulations of the originating country.

Section 2. Security classifications

  • a. Classified information will be assigned one of the following classification categories:

    in the Netherlands

    in Sweden






    (No equivalent)


    (No equivalent)

    As there is no Swedish security classification equivalent to Netherlands CONFIDENTIEEL or DIENSTGEHEIM, all Netherlands information so classified will be safeguarded as HEMLIG.

  • b. Classified information that is to be transmitted from one country to the other will be marked by the originating country with the corresponding security classification of both countries.

  • c. In respect of exchanged classified information the two countries will grant and maintain a comparable level of security protection according to the appropriate classification category. To this end each country will provide, at the request of the other country, all relevant information concerning the applicable security regulations.

  • d. Any change in security classification will be reported immediately to the receiving country by the originating country. No security classification will be altered without the prior consent of the originating country.

Section 3. Breach of security regulations

  • a. In cases where there is either suspicion or evidence of a breach of security regulations, the other country will be notified immediately.

  • b. Investigation and prosecution of breaches of security regulations will take place in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations of the country in which the breach occurs. The other country will be informed of the results.

Section 4. Transmission of classified information

Classified information will be transmitted in accordance with the appropriate regulations of the originating country. Classified information will be transmitted through the appropriate diplomatic channels, unless the two designated authorities agree on some other procedure. The designated authorities are those authorities mentioned in Section 5(d).

Section 5. Visits

  • a. Visits by officials from one country to the other that involve access to classified information, as well as visits to defence establishments or defence contractors, require the prior approval of the host country.

  • b. Application for visits will state particulars of each visitors, the establishments or contractors to be visited, names of contact officials, as well as purpose, date and duration of the intended visit. Applications will be accompanied by a valid security clearance certificate for each visitor.

  • c. Applications for visits will be made at least four weeks in advance of the date of the intended visit. This period may, in urgent cases, be shortened by mutual agreement between the designated authorities of the two countries.

  • d. Applications for visits will be made to:

    in the Netherlands

    • - the Director of Naval Intelligence (H-MARID)

    • - the Director of Army Intelligence (H-LAMID)

    • - the Director of Air Force Intelligence (H-LUMID)

      each so far as appointed thereto by the Minister of Defence

    in Sweden

    The Supreme Commander of the Swedish Armed Forces

    Box 80001

    S 104 50 STOCKHOLM

  • e. All visitors will comply with the security regulations of the host country.

Section 6. Contracts

  • a. An authority of either country wishing to conclude a contract subject to a security classification with a contractor in the other country, or wishing to authorize a contractor in its country to conclude such a contract, will obtain prior approval from the designated authority of the other country.

  • b. Such approval will include a confirmation that the contractor will afford classified information the security protection required by the appropriate regulations in force in that country.

  • c. The contracts referred to in this Section will contain a security protection clause, which includes a confirmation by the contractor of his obligations as mentioned in (b). This paragraph equally applies to subcontracting delivery agreements.

Section 7. Amendment and Termination

The arrangements set forth in the Memorandum may be amended at any time at the request of either Party. If these arrangements should be terminated, classified information will continue to be protected as long as the originating authority or country so requires.

Section 8. Effective date

This Memorandum of understanding will be effective from the date of the entry into force of the Agreement between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Kingdom of Sweden on the reciprocal protectionof classified military information, signed on 29-X-1984.

DONE in duplicate at The Hague on 29 October 1984.

For the Minister of Defence of the Netherlands

(sd.) G. L. J. HUIJSER

General G. L. J. Huijser,

Chief of Defence Staff

For the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of Sweden


Baron C.-H. O. H. Nauckhoff,


Vertaling : NL

Overeenkomst tussen het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden en het Koninkrijk Zweden inzake de wederzijdse bescherming van geclassificeerde militaire gegevens

De Regering van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden en de Regering van het Koninkrijk Zweden,

geleid door de wens de bescherming te verzekeren van geclassificeerde gegevens die in het belang van de nationale verdediging worden uitgewisseld tussen de bevoegde instanties van de beide landen of die in het kader van contracten of opdrachten van overheidswege worden verstrekt aan industriële ondernemingen en overheidsorganisaties voor wetenschappelijk onderzoek ten behoeve van de verdediging in de onderscheiden landen,

zijn als volgt overeengekomen:

Artikel 1

In deze Overeenkomst wordt onder „geclassificeerde gegevens” verstaan: inlichtingen, documenten en alle andere zaken op het gebied van de verdediging waaraan door het land van oorsprong een beveiligingsclassificatie is toegekend. Deze begripsomschrijving heeft geen betrekking op de wijze van overdracht van de gegevens, d.w.z. het doet niet ter zake of deze overdracht schriftelijk, mondeling, door technische hulpmiddelen, dan wel door de terbeschikkingstelling van zaken plaatsvindt.

Artikel 2

De beide Regeringen verbinden zich ertoe de volgende algemene beginselen toe te passen voor de bescherming van geclassificeerde gegevens:

  • a. aan de ontvangen gegevens wordt in het ontvangende land ten minste dezelfde graad van beveiliging toegekend als in het land van oorsprong;

  • b. de verstrekte gegevens mogen niet worden gebruikt voor andere doeleinden dan die welke zijn overeengekomen;

  • c. de verstrekte gegevens mogen niet openbaar worden gemaakt aan de regering, de autoriteiten, bedrijven of burgers van een andere Staat zonder voorafgaande schriftelijke toestemming van het land van oorsprong.

Artikel 3

De toegang tot de geclassificeerde gegevens wordt beperkt tot hen voor wie uit hoofde van hun werkzaamheden deze toegang noodzakelijk is en die het voorgeschreven veiligheidsonderzoek op het passende niveau hebben ondergaan en die de vereiste kennis van de beveiligingsprocedures bezitten. Niemand is bevoegd uitsluitend op grond van zijn rang of ambt te verlangen dat hem toegang tot de geclassificeerde gegevens wordt verleend.

Artikel 4

Elke Regering staat beveiligingsdeskundigen van de andere Regering toe periodieke bezoeken aan haar grondgebied te brengen, op een wederzijds passend tijdstip, ten einde met haar beveiligingsautoriteiten overleg te plegen over haar procedures en voorzieningen voor de bescherming van de geclassificeerde gegevens die haar door de andere Regering zijn verstrekt. Elke Regering verleent deze deskundigen hulp bij het vaststellen of de gegevens die haar door de andere Regering zijn verstrekt, voldoende worden beschermd.

Artikel 5

Eigendomsrechten, octrooien, fabrieksgeheimen, auteursrecht en soortgelijke rechten met betrekking tot geclassificeerde gegevens die tussen beide landen worden uitgewisseld, worden geëerbiedigd en beschermd overeenkomstig de wetgeving die in het ontvangende land van toepassing is.

Artikel 6

De beide Regeringen betalen elkaar geen vergoedingen voorde kosten die voortvloeien uit de uitvoering van de beveiligingsmaatregelen.

Artikel 7

Bijzonderheden inzake de uitvoering en de toepassing van de bepalingen van deze Overeenkomst vormen het onderwerp van afzonderlijke regelingen die alsnog tussen de bevoegde autoriteiten van de beide landen tot stand zullen worden gebracht.

Artikel 9

Deze Overeenkomst treedt in werking op de eerste dag van de tweede maand na de datum waarop de Regering van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden kennis geeft aan de Regering van het Koninkrijk Zweden dat aan de constitutioneel vereiste procedures in het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden is voldaan.

Artikel 10

Wat het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden betreft, geldt deze Overeenkomst slechts voor het Rijk in Europa.

Artikel 11

Deze Overeenkomst eindigt zes maanden nadat één van beide Regeringen een schriftelijke kennisgeving van opzegging van de andere Regering heeft ontvangen.

Deze beëindiging is niet van invloed op enige verplichting of aansprakelijkheid die krachtens de bepalingen van deze Overeenkomst is aanvaard.

GEDAAN in tweevoud te 's-Gravenhage op de 29ste oktober 1984.

Voor de Regering van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden


Voor de Regering van het Koninkrijk Zweden

(w.g.) C.-H. NAUCKHOFF

Naar boven