Administratief Akkoord tussen de bevoegde Nederlandse en Bengalese autoriteiten inzake de uitvoering van het “Kusthia Target Group Project”, Dhaka, 30-01-1980

Geraadpleegd op 18-04-2024.
Geldend van 30-01-1980 t/m heden

Administratief Akkoord tussen de bevoegde Nederlandse en Bengalese autoriteiten inzake de uitvoering van het “Kusthia Target Group Project”

Authentiek : EN

Administrative Arrangement

The Netherlands Minister for Development Cooperation, being the Competent Netherlands Authority for the purpose of this Administrative Arrangement, hereinafter referred to as “the Netherlands party”, represented in this matter by the Charge d'Affaires a.i. of the Kingdom of the Netherlands at Dacca


the Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh, represented by the Ministry of Finance, External Resources Division, being the Competent Bangladesh Authority for the purpose of this Administrative Arrangement, hereinafter referred to as “the Bangladesh Party”,

Having regard to the provisions of Article I of the Agreement on Technical Cooperation between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the People's Republic of Bangladesh signed at Dacca on 19 May, 1977, hereinafter referred to as “the Agreement”,

Have entered into the following Administrative Arrangement:

Article I. The Project

  • 1 The two parties shall jointly carry out a project, to be known as “Kushtia Target Group project”, hereinafter referred to as “the project”,

  • 2 The aim of the project is the development of the rural poor in the three thanas of the Kushtia District.

  • 3 The aim will be achieved in a way to be indicated in the Schedule of Operations, referred to in Article VII.

Article II. The contribution of the Netherlands Party

  • 1 As its contribution to the project the Netherlands Party undertakes:

    • to supply a team of qualified advisers for an assignment in Bangladesh and to bear all expenses incurred by the advisers and their families;

    • to provide equipment and bear the cost of its transportation (including insurance) to the most suitable port or airport in Bangladesh;

    • to arrange and bear the cost of transport of the advisers within Bangladesh;

    • to provide, if necessary, technical support from the Netherlands.

  • 2 The value of the contribution by the Netherlands party shall not exceed 2.700.000,- guilders.

Article III. The contribution by the Bangladesh Party

As its contribution to the project the Bangladesh party undertakes:

  • to provide the advisers with a sufficient number of qualified counterparts and skilled and unskilled assistants and to bear the cost of their salaries, allowances, emoluments and other rights;

  • to provide fully equipped office accomodation;

  • to bear the cost of running and maintaining the offices together with the equipment supplied by the Netherlands;

  • in general to take all measures which will facilitate cooperation between the parties.

Article IV. The Executive Authorities

  • 1 The Netherlands party shall appoint the International Technical Assistance Department of the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs as the Netherlands Executive Authority in charge of the project.

    The Netherlands Executive Authority shall be represented in as far as the daily operations under the project are concerned, by the team-leader, who is to be appointed from among the Netherlands advisers.

  • 2 The Bangladesh party shall appoint the Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development and Co-operatives as the Bangladesh Executive Authority in charge of the project. The Bangladesh Executive Authority shall be represented in as far as the daily operations under the project are concerned, by the Integrated Rural Development Programme (IRDP).

Article V. The team-leader

  • 1 The team-leader shall be responsible to the Netherlands Executive Authority for the implementation of the Netherlands contribution to the project. At the same time the implementation of the Netherlands contribution to the project will need the approval of the IRDP.

  • 2 The team-leader shall act in close consultation with the Bangladesh Executive Authority and respect the operational instructions given by the said Authority to the Bangladesh personnel.

  • 3 The Bangladesh Executive Authority shall provide the team-leader with any information that may be considered necessary for the execution of the project.

Article VI. Delegation

Each of the Executive Authorities shall be entitled to delegate the duties in connection with the project under its responsibility partly or entirely to other authorities or organizations.

In doing so, the Executive Authorities shall inform each other in writing of any such delegation and of the extent of the delegation.

Article VII. The Schedule of Operations

  • 1 The Executive Authorities shall establish by common consent a Schedule of Operations stating in detail the contribution of either Party, the number and duties of the advisers, their job-descriptions, the duration of their stay abroad and a description of the equipment and materials to be made available.

    The Schedule of Operations shall include an itemized budget of the contribution of either party, an Operations priority Scheme, a time-table and lists of equipment and materials to be supplied by either party.

  • 2 The Schedule of Operations may be amended by common consent between the Executive Authorities.

Article VIII. Personnel

The personnel supplied by the Netherlands Party shall enjoy the privileges and immunities described in Article II and III of the Agreement.

Article IX. Equipment and Materials

  • 1 The provisions of Article IV and V of the Agreement shall be applicable to the importation and exportation of the equipment and materials provided by the Netherlands party as well as to the status of the said equipment and materials.

  • 2 Without prejudice to the payment by the Bangladesh party or the Bangladesh recipient agency of the customs duties and taxes on the equipment and materials supplied by the Netherlands party, those customs duties and taxes are only due upon the transfer of the equipment and materials to the Bangladesh party or Bangladesh recipient agency. The Netherlands party is in no way under an obligation to pay the customs duties or taxes.

Article X. Reporting

The team-leader shall submit to both Executive Authorities a quarterly Report in English on the progress made in the execution of the project.

On the termination of the project the team-leader shall submit to all parties involved a final report in English on all aspects of the work done in connection with the project.

Article XI. Review

Besides regular reviews of the project as provided for in the Schedule of Operations the Executive Authorities shall provisionally evaluate the results of the project at the end of the third project-year.

Article XII. Settlement of disputes

Any dispute concerning the interpretation or implementation of this Administrative Arrangement which cannot be settled by consultations between the two parties shall be referred to the respective Governments.

Article XIII. Entry into force and duration

  • 1 This Administrative Arrangement shall enter into force on the date of signature by both parties and shall expire on the date on which the project has been completed in conformity with the provisions of the Arrangement and of the Schedule of Operations.

  • 2 This Arrangement shall automatically terminate, if the Schedule of Operations referred to in Article VII will not be agreed upon by the Executive Authorities within three months after the signing of this Arrangement.

DONE at Dacca on the 30th of January 1980, in two originals in English.

For the Netherlands Minister for Development Cooperation:

(sd.) T.F.THE

For and on behalf of the Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh:


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